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Life StyleThe Simple HMF Rule That Can Naturally Relieve Constipation Symptoms

The Simple HMF Rule That Can Naturally Relieve Constipation Symptoms


Constipation is a very common digestive issue that plagues millions every day. While over-the-counter medications can provide temporary relief, they fail to address the root causes. Nutritionist Pooja Makhija shares a simple natural approach called the HMF rule that focuses on hydration, movement and fibre to effectively manage constipation from within.

The HMF method targets three key lifestyle factors that majorly impact our bowel – hydration, movement and fibre intake. When done diligently every day, it can slowly but steadily relieve constipation symptoms.

H stands for hydrating the body with plenty of water. Water keeps the digestive system functioning smoothly. Makhija recommends replacing caffeinated drinks that dehydrate the body with additional glasses of water.

M is for daily movement like walks which get the intestines moving. Even mild exercises stimulate bowel motility. Regular activity, no matter how minimal, makes a difference.

F stands for fibre, the bulk-forming nutrient that adds volume and smoothens bowel movements. A fibrous juice or fruits and vegetables with meals supplies the roughage needed.

Gastrointestinal experts agree that lifestyle changes are the first line of defense against constipation. Besides HMF, they suggest increased fibre through whole foods, staying hydrated and setting a toilet routine. Medications are only considered if symptoms fail to subside with dietary tweaks.

By focusing on hydration, movement and fibre intake as per the simple HMF rule, people can remedy constipation holistically without dependence on laxatives. Small everyday efforts manage the issue effectively from within for lasting relief.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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