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Life StyleDo casual breath-holding tests accurately measure lung function?

Do casual breath-holding tests accurately measure lung function?


Social media has been flooded with demonstrating breath-holding tests as a way to check lung . However, are these informal methods scientifically accurate? In this article, I discuss what pulmonary experts have shared about relying on breath holding alone.

Dr. K, a senior respiratory specialist, does not consider breath holding a reliable measure of lung condition. He explained that it primarily evaluates voluntary breath control rather than directly analyzing organ function. Multiple factors beyond the lungs influence one's ability to hold their breath, like mental preparedness and carbon dioxide tolerance.

Similarly, Dr. Jha, a pulmonologist, noted breath holding provides some insight but has limitations compared to comprehensive tests like spirometry. While it may point to potential issues, more testing is needed for diagnosis. No established duration conclusively indicates healthy lungs either, as various individual traits impact performance.

Age, fitness, and training affect breath holding without necessarily correlating to lung health status. Younger, fitter individuals generally fare better yet this does not equate to respiratory wellness. Likewise, differentiating smokers from non-smokers proves challenging using only this method. Underlying harm could be missed if relying solely on breath holding time.

Advanced tests such as spirometry utilizing lung volume and airway measurements constitute a more reliable evaluation approach. By contrast, breath holding overlooks critical aspects and risks masking early disease without specialized analysis. For conclusive assessment, medical experts advise validated testing over informal social media challenges of questionable accuracy and safety.

Health screening should utilize sufficiently sensitive, standardized procedures rather than unverified smartphone trends that may provide misinformation while endangering those with underlying, non-apparent conditions. With respiratory illnesses affecting many, maintaining research-backed oversight remains key for ongoing public wellbeing.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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