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Life StyleDoes an ancient Ayurvedic practice of eating according to nostril dominance impact...

Does an ancient Ayurvedic practice of eating according to nostril dominance impact digestion?


A recently popularized Instagram video brought attention to an ancient Ayurvedic practice of choosing foods based on which nostril is more active at mealtimes. The centuries-old Indian healing system associates the nostrils with energy centers – the right linked to the sun and warmth, and the left to the moon and cooling effects.

The idea is that before eating, one checks whether the left or right nostril feels more open. Left nostril dominance suggests consuming liquids rather than solids to aid assimilation. Meanwhile, right nostril activity means the body is primed for digestion of heavier balanced meals containing grains and vegetables. Supporters claim this practice harmonizes bodily rhythms for optimized and breakdown of meals.

To explore the concept's validity, I spoke with Dr. Srinivasan, an experienced Ayurvedic expert. He acknowledged nostril alternation varies energies impacting functions like digestion. Traditionally, lighter foods accompany left nostril dominance for rest, with right nostril signaling suitability for heartier warm dishes during activity. Meal timing then flows with these natural ebb and flows.

While effects likely differ individually, nostril attuned diets theoretically ease the workload of digestive systems. Dr. Srinivasan advised consistently noting one's patterns and reacting sensitively. Lifestyle, constitution and overall wellness all shape results. Consistently tailoring nutrition to listen to bodily indications, as per Ayurvedic principles, seems a sensible approach for supporting absorption and general well-being.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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