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Life StyleICMR uncovers diabetes-uterine cancer link; experts explain risk factors and prevention

ICMR uncovers diabetes-uterine cancer link; experts explain risk factors and prevention


In an alarming discovery, the Indian Council of Medical (ICMR) has uncovered a connection between type 2 diabetes and rising uterine cancer cases. Their study showed that women with diabetes face double the risk of developing endometrial cancer compared to others.

According to experts, high blood sugar levels associated with diabetes may fuel the unchecked growth of cancer cells in the uterus. But what exactly is behind this link between two seemingly disparate conditions? Dr. Priya Suhag, an oncologist at a leading Delhi hospital, helps explain the underlying pathways.

A major risk factor shared by diabetes and uterine cancer is obesity. Excess weight disrupts hormone production leading to elevated insulin levels in diabetics. The same hormonal imbalance may encourage the abnormal cell proliferation seen in uterine cancer. Furthermore, obesity induces chronic inflammation throughout the body that could foster a microenvironment supporting tumor development.

Beyond diabetes, other threats like age, HPV infection, smoking and alcohol use hike cancer risk. These risks multiply under conditions of obesity which promotes high estrogen and systemic inflammation. Insulin resistance brought on by weight gain also jeopardizes .

Fortunately, maintaining a fit physique through balanced nutrition and physical activity can offset many of these risks. Dr. Suhag advises lifestyle habits known to stave off both diabetes and cancer. In addition to weight control, her recommendations include managing blood pressure and blood sugar for overall wellness. Catching any troubling signs early through regular screenings gives the best chance of successful treatment if needed.

With knowledge about this newly recognized bond, it becomes more important than ever for diabetics especially to take preventive steps. Following simple yet significant healthcare practices can go a long way in safeguarding against uterine cancer.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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