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The Powerful Benefits of Consuming Amla in Summer

Summer is here and with rising temperatures comes the need to focus on cooling and hydrating foods and drinks. One superfruit that is especially beneficial during the summer months is amla or Indian gooseberry. Packed with nutrients and antioxidants, amla can help you stay healthy naturally while beating the heat.

In this article, we will explore 10 top benefits of consuming amla during summer and how to incorporate this amazing fruit into your diet. From boosting immunity to aiding digestion, amla offers a powerful punch that makes it highly recommended for summer. Let's get started!

Amla is a Powerhouse of Vitamin C

Amla contains one of the highest amounts of vitamin C compared to any other fruit. In fact, a single amla fruit contains around 20 times more vitamin C than an orange! This antioxidant boosts immunity by strengthening the body's defenses against infections. Vitamin C also aids wound healing and collagen production.

During warmer months, vitamin C consumption is crucial as rising temperatures can deplete our stores of this essential nutrient through sweat. By consuming amla daily, you ensure your vitamin C levels remain high throughout summer. This keeps pathogens at bay and prevents the risk of seasonal colds, coughs, and fevers.

Digestive Support and Gentle Laxative Effects

The high fiber content in amla aids digestion by stimulating bowel movement. Consuming it regularly helps improve stool formation and prevent constipation – a common problem in summer due to dehydration and changes in diet or routine.

Amla acts as a gentle laxative and supports digestion without causing cramps or discomfort. It promotes the production of gastric juices and bile, enabling smoother movement of food through the gut. This prevents indigestion, bloating, and acidity – summertime issues that stem from slow digestion in the heat.

Skin and Hair Care Benefits

  • Antioxidants fight free radicals: Amla counters the effects of free radicals (unstable molecules) that damage skin and hair from sun exposure. It prevents premature skin aging and protects against sunburn.
  • Moisturizes and soothes: The presence of vitamin C, tannins, and vegetable acids in amla gives it moisturizing and soothing properties. It hydrates dry, itchy skin and scalp while alleviating inflammation.
  • Shiny, lustrous hair: Regularly consuming or applying amla helps nourish hair follicles from within. It prevents hair damage, dandruff, split ends and promotes healthy growth of thick, strong strands.
  • Reduces pigmentation: Amla lightens dark spots, blemishes and signs of aging on the skin caused by hyperpigmentation due to its natural bleaching properties.

Cooling and Hydrating Effect

Amla has intrinsic cooling qualities that help regulate body temperature in summer. Drinking amla juice or consuming the fruit aids perspiration, flushes out toxins through sweat and relieves symptoms of heat exhaustion and heatstroke. Staying hydrated during summer is essential – amla provides hydration while also imparting an energy boost.

Its high water content (around 84%) and antioxidant compounds make it a perfect summer fruit that quenches thirst. Amla consumption cools down the entire system right from within.

Lowers Blood Sugar Levels

Studies show amla helps control blood sugar surges after meals. It stimulates insulin release from pancreatic beta cells to enable smooth glucose processing in the body. This makes it beneficial for managing diabetes risk which increases in warmer .

The compounds ellagic acid and gallic acid in amla aid pancreatic function and have anti-hyperglycemic properties. Consume it daily either fresh, cooked or as supplements or juice to maintain ideal blood sugar balance naturally, especially during summer season.

Boosts Liver Health and Detoxification

Summertime brings along the tendency to indulge in richness like desserts and alcohol more frequently. This added stress on the liver can hamper its detox ability over time. Amla enhances liver function by increasing bile flow and releasing free radical scavengers.

It aids liver cleansing and detoxification. Powerful phytonutrients like tannins boost the liver's anti-oxidative defense mechanism allowing it to filter out toxins smoothly. Regular consumption of this superfruit protects against liver damage in summer.

Immunity Enhancing Properties

Heat and humidity make the body more susceptible to diseases. Amla consumption strengthens immunity by triggering white blood cell production and stimulating the thymus gland's lymphocyte-producing capability.

It also increases interferon gamma levels which is an important immune cytokine. The antioxidants vitamin C and flavonoids nourish immune cells to maintain peak activity levels during summer viral and bacterial outbreaks. A daily dose of amla ensures infections pass you by easily.

Improves Heart Health

Dietary fiber, potassium and polyphenols in amla help regulate lipid profile, blood pressure and reduce cholesterol levels. This protects cardiovascular function even in heat. High vitamin C content protects LDL cholesterol from oxidation which is a key process behind heart diseases.

Eye Care Benefits

Vitamin A deficiency commonly occurs during summer months leading to dry eyes and night blindness. Amla contains beta-carotene which the body converts into vitamin A to nourish eyes. Regular consumption prevents summer related vision issues and cataract development due to a cumulative antioxidant effect on eyes.

Anti-Aging Properties

Free radical damage caused by summer sun exposure, pollution and other environmental stressors accelerates the aging process. Amla's potent antioxidant profile guards cells against this damage through neutralizing unstable molecules.

It reduces premature signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles and pigmentation keeping skin youthful for longer. Also, quenching thirst instead of sugary beverages helps prevent sugar-spiking aging effects.

Ways to Include Amla in Your Diet

  • Amla juice: Add 2-3 amlas to a juicer daily. Drink fresh or store in fridge.
  • Amla powder: Mix 1/2 tsp powder in lassi, raita or curd for extra nutrition in meals.
  • Amla murabba: Delicious sweet-sour candied chunks for snacking.
  • Amla chat/salad: Toss chopped pieces along with diced cucumber and tomatoes for a cooling eatable.
  • Amla pickle: Preserve in spicy vinegar as a condiment or snack.

As an overall take, amla is a potent superfood to include liberally in your summertime diet and care routine for optimum health, protection and benefits. Its diverse array of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants offer immense support during warmer months.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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