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Life StyleThe Differences Between Ceylon and Cassia Cinnamon Varieties Explained

The Differences Between Ceylon and Cassia Cinnamon Varieties Explained


Ceylon or Cassia? Understanding the Differences Between Common Cinnamon Varieties

Are you aware of the distinctions between the two most popular types of cinnamon available? While they are both commonly used as a warming spice, Ceylon cinnamon and cassia cinnamon have notable differences when it comes to flavor, origins, benefits and potential drawbacks. Let's take a closer look at these familiar yet frequently misunderstood varieties.

Historically, Ceylon cinnamon holds significance as a prized spice dating back to ancient Egypt and Europe, where it was valued for ceremonial uses, preservation techniques as well as medicinal properties. Commonly found in Sri Lankan and South Asian cuisines, it delivers a mild, delicate flavor with subtle notes of citrus and flowers. Its gentle nature makes it suitable for desserts, drinks and dishes where a mild cinnamon kick is preferred.

Meanwhile, cassia cinnamon has deep roots in traditional Chinese medicine and East Asian cooking, integral to curries, rubs and more robust fare. It brings a bold, slightly bitter warmth to recipes. This full-bodied variety traveled extensively along spice routes and remains a staple across global pantries today.

While both offer anti-inflammatory goodness, it's important to note their differences in terms of health impacts. Ceylon cinnamon has lower levels of a compound linked to liver toxicity in large amounts over time. Some also indicates it may assist blood sugar and cognitive function regulation. Cassia cinnamon is a traditional remedy for its antimicrobial properties, but higher coumarin content presents risks with over-consumption.

Overall, discerning between these cinnamon cousins allows for more informed use based on preferences, diet and wellness goals. Both hold historical significance across cultures worldwide – understanding their distinct characteristics can optimize enjoyment and benefit.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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