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Health agencies partner with Pride events to promote mpox awareness and vaccination

With Pride month celebrations kicking off across the nation, officials are ramping up efforts to educate attendees on the ongoing threat of mpox and the importance of vaccination. While case numbers have declined significantly from the outbreak's peak last year, the viral disease remains a concern, particularly for gay and bisexual men.

Federal health agencies will partner with local organizations at dozens of Pride festivals and events this month to spread awareness on mpox prevention. They'll promote the message that though daily infections are stable and much lower than 2022 levels, being informed and taking precautions is key to avoiding future flare-ups.

Mpox spreads via close physical contact and can cause painful skin lesions and flu-like symptoms. Gay and bisexual men have accounted for over 90% of US cases in the latest outbreak. However, anyone is susceptible if exposed. stress that vaccination provides strong protection and relieves anxiety about interaction during celebrations.

With summer activities ramping up when risk may be higher, now is an important time for outreach. Key West Pride and Boston Pride have confirmed the presence of health resources to offer mpox materials and vaccine access at their large-scale events in early June. Community groups recognize that Pride gatherings present opportunities to reach affected demographics and empower safe participation.

While some are surprised the problem persists months after peaking, steady cases show vigilance remains key. Organizers aim to help people enjoy festivities proudly with simple steps like vaccination that safeguard their wellbeing and that of the community. As partners work tirelessly to connect at-risk groups with information and inoculation, Pride's message of inclusion and care for all takes on new significance.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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