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Can Using a Hair Dryer Actually Help Relieve Chronic Coughing? Doctors Weigh In

Social media is full of cleaning hacks and tricks that seem too good to be true. One such claim suggested using a common household appliance — a hair dryer — could help relieve chronic coughing. According to the post, aiming the dryer at your chest and back would boost circulation and loosen mucus, easing cough symptoms. But is there any truth to this unusual home remedy?

The idea originated from a health influencer online who recommended using the dryer's warm air current on the chest and back area. They explained that this method worked to open up airways and clear out excess mucus by increasing blood flow to the lungs. Warming the muscles was said to provide comforting relief from cough-related tension as well.

While the approach seems intuitive, medical professionals urge caution. Dr. Syed Abdul Aleem, a pulmonology consultant, noted that coughs stem from underlying irritants like infections, allergies or conditions like asthma. Simply applying warmth may temporarily soothe discomfort but does nothing to treat the root cause.

Other specialists agreed a hair dryer offers little direct benefit. Dr. Harish Chafle, a chest physician, said prolonged blowing could dry out skin and cause irritation. A safer choice is using a humidifier to keep indoor air moisturized. When sick, staying properly hydrated with fluids, getting adequate rest and consulting a doctor for suppressants are usually best.

In summary, experts view the hair dryer hack with scepticism. While some techniques like warm compresses may transiently relieve cough symptoms, only addressing the underlying issue provides lasting relief. When coughs persist abnormally, medical advice is recommended over uncertain home remedies that could potentially cause unintended harm. Sticking to tried-and-true treatment methods remains the healthier option for most cases.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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