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    Bollywood Actress Deepika Padukone Shares Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga Pose

    Top actress Deepika Padukone thrilled fans this week by sharing a demonstration of an incredible yoga pose she is using to stay healthy during her first pregnancy. In an Instagram post viewed by millions, Deepika showed herself effortlessly holding the Viparita Karani pose, with her legs raised up a wall for several minutes. This inverted position has numerous benefits for expectant mothers by promoting relaxation, improving blood circulation to the uterus, and relieving leg fatigue, back pressure and swelling.

    Medical experts confirm the Viparita Karani is considered very safe for pregnant women to practice regularly throughout the second and third trimesters. By gently tilting the pelvis upward, it helps create more space in the abdomen and ease discomfort. Celebrity husband Ranveer Singh was quick to praise Deepika in the comments section, expressing how inspired he was by her strong yet calm display of self-care even during such a magnificent life change.

    Deepika's social share highlights the empowering effects yoga can provide for moms-to-be. When done under guidance, certain poses allow expectant women to not only relieve common complaints but feel empowered in their rapidly changing bodies. As one of 's most beloved stars now embraces this next important chapter, her commitment to wellness sets a positive example of prioritizing for both mother and baby.

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