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Benefits of tapping your body every day for improved health and stress relief


A simple self-massage technique known as tapping provides numerous perks when incorporated into one's daily routine according to experts. By gently tapping on various areas of the body with the fingertips, individuals can potentially boost circulation, relax tight muscles and alleviate minor pains.

Popular American fitness coach Mike Chang advocates daily tapping due to its ability to support overall health and wellness. The rhythmic nature of this technique allows it to positively impact the body in several key ways. By enhancing blood flow throughout tissues, tapping facilitates the delivery of nutrients and oxygen while removing waste materials.

Mumbai-based physician Dr. Shreya Doshi confirms that tapping massage stimulates physiological processes conducive to general health. In addition to relaxing contracted muscles and reducing tension, it offers temporary relief from musculoskeletal discomfort by interrupting pain signals. Regular practice can also improve flexibility and range of motion for those recovering from injuries or dealing with joint issues.

While tapping massage furnishes comparable benefits to alternative therapies like deep tissue massage, its effectiveness depends on the skill of the practitioner and individual needs and preferences according to face yoga expert Vibhuti Arora. While capable of complementing conventional medical care, more is still warranted regarding its specific applications and long term impact.

When incorporated as part of a healthy daily routine, simple tapping techniques demonstrate potential to support wellness from within by optimizing circulation, relaxing the body and alleviating sources of stress and tension. Further scientific inquiry will continue enhancing understanding of this easily accessible self-care practice.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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