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EditorialTightening Noose Around the Rumours-Mongers

Tightening Noose Around the Rumours-Mongers


It is quite intriguing that unscrupulous elements are taking advantage of an unfortunate situation due to a surge in terror acts in the region and spreading rumours to further deteriorate things by creating fear psychosis among the citizens. It is needful to tighten the noose around all such people who unnecessarily are indulging in acts to create fear mongering without any basis at all.

In this context, the Police has taken the right step by warning the users of social media handles asking people to avoid moving out of their homes during the night time in the backdrop of the terror attacks in the region. Such messages should come from the social media handles of the police and other government agencies and not from individuals and therefore it is important that such entities which are crossing the limit should be restricted through a rightful approach under the legal framework.

It is noteworthy that Jammu Police has taken cognizance in the matter of circulation of fake messages and told the people that this information is absolutely baseless and they should not take such rumours and fake information seriously. If there any such exigency calling for people to remain extra careful, the cops in Jammu and other government agencies are well equipped to broadcast the information for the people and therefore people should not pay heed to any such message making rounds on the social media because this could lead to chaos and morass in the society, which is needless and should not be the case under any circumstances.

Otherwise also the cops should ensure that no one is allowed to practice rumour mongering in the society as it has many disadvantages because the outreach of social media has lately gone far and wide and many a times such rumours lead to distasteful things even including the riots, as seen in number of cases in the past. The Jammu Police should set a benchmark in this particular case by taking action against the rumour mongers to deter others having intentions to do similar misdemeanor in the future.

All said and done, there is a universal advice for all the social media users to use this mode of communication with great care and responsibility because a small mistake can cause big harm.


The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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