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    EditorialStop Bovine smuggling at all costs!

    Stop Bovine smuggling at all costs!


    There is no problem in the society which could not be mitigated by addressing the same with a rational approach and one of the examples of this kind of resolution has been set by the Kishtwar Police, which has come forward in containing the archaic problem of bovine smuggling in the region by recommending the suspension of Registration Certificates and Route Permits of the vehicles implicated in aforesaid illegal activity.

    Reportedly, giving nod to the recommendation by the Kishtwar Police, the ARTO Kishtwar has suspended the documents of 25 vehicles involved in aforesaid illegal trade. Kishtwar police has made these recommendations based on evidence gathered through multiple FIRs lodged across various police stations in Kishtwar throughout the year. This action is aimed at disrupting the logistics of smuggling operations and making it increasingly difficult for smugglers to transport livestock illegally.

    The stringent step taken by the administration in this regard has showcased that its commitment to eradicate bovine smuggling is unwavering. For sure, the people sitting at the helm in the police department in Kishtwar have shown extraordinary acumen and dexterousness while giving this effective panacea against the menace of bovine smuggling.

    Considering the success of this action, the police of other districts, and officials of different departments should also emulate things to resolve conventional issues using innovation and out of the box initiatives as was the case of Kishtwar Police which has taken a bold step, which is likely to combat the bovine smuggling in the district with desired efficacy. Those officers who have taken the aforesaid decision to recommend the suspension of registrations of the vehicles involved in bovine smuggling and also cancellation of their route permits should be suitably praised by the government because the move is going to prove as a game changer and will act in a positive manner in curbing this in the Union Territory.

    Even the license of those drivers ferrying the bovines should also be suspended with a rider that the same will not be restored under any circumstances because the remedy to contain bovine smuggling is strictness of the highest order as conventional ways have remained unsuccessful in containing this illegal activity.

    It is imperative that Police Departments and officials across different districts adopt similar strategies to resolve conventional issues. The government must recognize and praise the officers who have taken these bold steps. Their actions are poised to become a game-changer in the fight against bovine smuggling, serving as a model for effective crime prevention and fostering a safer, more law-abiding society.




    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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