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EditorialRestive Gilgit-Baltistan!

Restive Gilgit-Baltistan!



In recent months, Gilgit and Baltistan, under illegal occupation of Pakistan, has become restive and a hotbed of societal conflict. The Gilgit and Baltistan Region's complex historical and socio-political processes have been attracting the world's attention and are being studied. Under the rule of Maharaja Hari Singh, the territory of Gilgit and Baltistan was a part of the princely state of Jammu Kashmir. The Maharaja acceded the state to India via the “Instrument of Accession” on October 26, 1947. However, on November 4, 1947, the treacherous act of two British military officers of Maharaja Hari Singh with Pakistan machinations using its military and occupied Gilgit and Baltistan. Since then, Pakistan has illegally occupied this region, and successive Pakistani rulers have implemented numerous administrative measures to control it. Because of its strategic importance, China has taken a keen interest in putting the CPEC project into action in recent years. At the same time, Pakistan is considering tightening its grip on Shia-dominated Gilgit and Baltistan by collaborating with China. However, the people of Gilgit-Baltistan are more resentful of Pakistan and their new colonial master, China. The recent popular uprising in Gilgit and Baltistan has projected Complex socio-political issues; high-handedness measures by the Pakistan establishment over the years, and China's CPEC project are among the factors causing the current crisis in Gilgit-Baltistan.

Because of Pakistan's constant subjugation of Gilgit Baltistan, the region's socioeconomic conditions have deteriorated over the time. Poverty is widespread in Gilgit Baltistan, and social disparities are growing in tandem with the loss of agricultural land to non-agriculture uses. All of these factors are contributing to the current food crisis, which is manifesting in the form of a social uprising in this region; in addition to declining food production, studies show that social development parameters such as and are quite low in this region. The volatile conflict between the majority Shia and Sunni populations in Gilgit Baltistan exacerbates the societal conflict. The Ismaili community, which has a significant presence in the region, is also being targeted.

There is also concern among the local population in the Gilgit Baltistan region about Pakistan's deforestation activities, which are being carried out without the consent of local communities. The people of Gilgit Baltistan are sceptical of Islamabad's development initiatives. They believe it is an attempt to seize land from the locals. The people of Gilgit and Baltistan have formed the Awami Action Committee, which aims to protect the people of Gilgit Baltistan from Pakistan's oppressive rule. Similarly, news reports emphasise that the Pakistani authorities have consistently discriminated in the supply of food grains, including wheat, to this region over the years.

What aggravates further is steadily the entire region turned into Pakistan's “military garrison”. More troops are being deployed by the Pakistani government to oversee the CPEC project. The people of Gilgit and Baltistan experienced structural fear as a result of this. It is important to note that the large-scale deployment of Chinese labour has also deprived locals of job opportunities. This raised concerns among the local population of Gilgit Baltistan about the CPEC's true intentions. The CPEC project is also having a negative impact on the in Gilgit Baltistan. According to a third pole study, this region is endowed with approximately “7000 glaciers” due to its location. Glacier melting is also occurring as a result of CPEC construction activities in this region. The traditional occupation of the local population has been uprooted as a result of the CPEC taking most of the agricultural land. Already, the Diamer Basha project, which is part of the CPEC project, is causing controversy because geological experts believe it is being built in a high-risk seismic region, such as Gilgit Baltistan. This could be a disaster for the region in the future. The rapid climate change in this region, glacier melting, and environmental crisis caused by CPEC are also putting Gilgit-Baltistan ecology in jeopardy. The ongoing exploitation of the people of Gilgit and Baltistan by both Pakistan and China via CPEC is igniting a societal crisis and manifesting itself in the form of street protests. The people of Gilgit and Baltistan have become more vocal in their desire for reunification with India in recent years. Even in Pakistan-Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (POJK), which is an integral part of India, there is a growing public demand for reunion with India.

The region of Gilgit-Baltistan is an integral part of India (it is part of the Union Territory of of India). This region is also extremely strategic for India. Through this region, India can gain direct access to Central Asian countries while also containing China and Pakistan. As a result, it is time for India to reclaim the Pakistan-occupied Gilgit Baltistan region and the Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (POJK) on priority.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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