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Jammu KashmirNo to plastic use: Polling Stations in Kulgam adorned with crewel work...

No to plastic use: Polling Stations in Kulgam adorned with crewel work banners


Jahangeer Ganaie/Umaisar Gull Ganie

Kulgam, May 25 : In a creative and environmentally conscious move, polling stations in Kulgam embraced traditional artistry by displaying vibrant Crewel work banners advocating against plastic use.

The banners for green polling stations were been made in crewel handmade work without use of plastic to give a loud message to general masses about significance of .

The banners were also handmade crewel work for pink polling stations in the district.

Officials at BK Pora polling station in Kulgam said that this unique initiative aims to raise awareness about the detrimental effects of plastic pollution while celebrating local craftsmanship.

They said this innovative approach not only beautified the polling venues but also conveyed a powerful message about environmental responsibility.

The initiative received widespread acclaim from residents and visitors alike, who appreciated the fusion of , , and environmental activism.

Many expressed hope that such creative endeavors would inspire similar initiatives in other regions, fostering a collective commitment to preserving the environment.

Local artisans who crafted the banners expressed pride in their contribution to the electoral process and the broader movement against plastic pollution. For them, it was not just about showcasing their skills but also about making a meaningful impact on society.

As the world grapples with the repercussions of plastic pollution, initiatives like the one in Kulgam serve as a testament to the power of creativity and community collaboration in driving positive change.

By harnessing traditional art forms and leveraging public spaces, such initiatives have the potential to ignite a broader conversation about sustainability and pave the way for a greener future.

Crewel work, known for its elaborate embroidery and vibrant colors, has been a traditional art form in for centuries. By incorporating this local craft into the electoral process, authorities aimed to engage voters in a meaningful dialogue about sustainability and the need to reduce plastic waste.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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