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EditorialImpact of Heat Wave on Milk & It’s By-Products

Impact of Heat Wave on Milk & It’s By-Products


The unprecedented heat wave currently affecting the vast plains of the north region, including , has led to a significant shortage of milk. This shortage is a direct consequence of the extreme temperatures, which have adversely impacted dairy farming operations and the overall of livestock leading to shortage in availability of milk and its by-products causing concern among consumers and sellers alike.

In this context, it becomes crucial to understand the underlying reasons for the shortage, its effects on the market, and the measures dairy product sellers are taking to fulfill the demand.

As per the experts in the field, the heat waves pose several challenges to dairy farming. High temperatures can cause heat stress in bovine animals leading to decreased milk production. When bovines are exposed to extreme temperatures, their feed intake reduces, adversely affecting their overall health and milk yield. The extreme heat can exacerbate water shortages, making it difficult to maintain proper hydration levels for the livestock. These factors collectively contribute to a decline in milk production, creating a dearth of milk in the market. Besides, the spoilage rate also increases due to the higher temperatures, leading to further wastage and compounding the scarcity issue.

Given the challenges posed by the milk shortage, it is essential to maintain stringent quality control and inspection processes. Ensuring the safety and quality of dairy products is paramount, particularly when the supply chain is under stress. Under present scenario it becomes imperative for the civic body— Jammu Municipal Corporation to conduct regular inspections and monitor the quality of milk and dairy products being sold in the market. This includes checking for contamination, ensuring proper storage conditions, and verifying the authenticity of products to prevent adulteration.

The milk shortage resulting from the current heat wave highlights the vulnerability of the dairy industry to extreme conditions. While dairy product sellers are employing various strategies to fulfill demand and mitigate the impact of the shortage, it is equally important to prioritize quality assurance and inspection processes.

By adopting a holistic approach that includes supporting dairy farmers, enhancing supply chain resilience, and maintaining strict quality controls, the dairy industry can better navigate such challenges and ensure the continued availability of safe and nutritious dairy products for consumers.


The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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