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Life StyleHow High Temperatures Can Negatively Impact Your Skin Health

How High Temperatures Can Negatively Impact Your Skin Health


As heatwaves continue to sweep across parts of the country, experts warn about their detrimental effects that extend beyond just cardiovascular issues. Dermatologists note that prolonged exposure to high temperatures can also take a toll on skin in multiple ways.

Rising temperatures cause the body to sweat excessively in order to cool down. However, this sweating can clog pores when it mixes with dead skin cells and skin oil. The blocked pores then become breeding grounds for bacteria, often leading to outbreaks of acne and other skin problems. Dehydration caused by heatwaves may also stimulate oil glands to overproduce sebum, exacerbating blocked pores and breakouts.

Skin experts further explain that friction from clothing, as well as dirt and dust interacting with sweat in hot conditions, raises the risk of heat rashes resembling pimples or red bumps. Warmer can increase bacterial growth on the skin surface as well. Some sunscreens may not be non-comedogenic and can end up clogging pores if applied during sweating.

Doctors note that heat-induced stress also affects cortisol levels in a way that leads to boosted oil secretion. All of these factors collaborate to overwhelm the skin and immune system, facilitating various irritations and blemishes. Those experiencing undesirable effects are advised to remain hydrated with ample water intake and use loose, breathable fabrics. Immediate medical care should be sought for any severe symptoms arising from heatwave exposure. With precautions, skin health can better withstand the seasonal impacts of rising temperatures.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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