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EditorialDon’t Undermine Poor Performers

Don’t Undermine Poor Performers


Those who have appeared before the armed forces' SSBs must have the knowledge of the highly appreciative precedent of announcing the result. The official standing at the podium encourages both the selected lot and the rejected one by saying that this test is not the ultimate test. Those who have not qualified must be having phenomenal qualities to excel in other fields and even they can appear once again by enhancing their capabilities. This approach is something which should be emulated in all spheres of life especially with the aspirants appearing in the 10th and 12th class examinations and the entrance tests for medical and engineering fields. Failure in these exams is not the end of the road; rather, it should be seen as a stepping stone to find the right track to move on and find the precisely best field in leading the life.

In this context, the result season for 10th and 12th classes is a highly stressful period for students, parents, and educators. During this time, the spotlight often shines brightly on toppers and distinction holders, celebrating their achievements across social media and news platforms. However, this intense focus on high performers can inadvertently overshadow the struggles of students who failed to excel or performed below average, leading to feelings of inadequacy, depression, and in extreme cases, even suicides.

It is imperative for all stakeholders to provide support and consolation to these students to mitigate their distress and foster a more inclusive . It is worrisome that societal expectations, parental pressure, and personal aspirations combine to create a high-stress environment. When results are announced, students who do not meet these expectations often feel isolated and dejected. The widespread celebration of high achievers can exacerbate these feelings, making underperforming students feel invisible and undervalued. Parents play a crucial role in alleviating the emotional burden on their children during the result season.

It is essential for parents to express unconditional support by reassuring children that their worth is not defined by their academic performance. Celebrate their efforts and encourage them to view exams as one of many opportunities in life, not the sole determinant of their future. Fostering an environment where children feel comfortable sharing their fears and disappointments is one of the best things which the parents and teachers could do to alleviate the problems of the progeny.

All said and done, the exam result season should be a time of support and encouragement for all students, not just those who excel academically.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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