Late on Monday evening, concerned citizens of Shimla gathered at the iconic Ridge location for a candlelight vigil. Organized by the Shimla Collectives group, dozens came together around midnight to pay tribute to the young female doctor from Kolkata who was recently killed. Holding candles and silence, the peaceful gathering aimed to honor the victim as well as bring greater awareness to women's safety issues.
Speakers at the event called for swift and severe punishment of the accused through capital punishment. As the crime occurred in the victim's workplace, it highlighted the need for protections even in professional settings. Many emphasized that such attacks undermine humanity itself. Local leaders and doctors who participated said the victim worked tirelessly for over 30 hours prior, and deserved to be recognized for her service with martyr status.
Those in attendance, representing a range of backgrounds, used the occasion of Raksha Bandhan holiday to appeal to men for protecting all women. As brothers tie threads to sisters' wrists, they were encouraged to safeguard every female as someone's family. Citizens also advocated for reviewing laws around safety, mentioning examples from other regions. The symbolic gathering late at night served to reclaim public areas for women to move freely regardless of the hour. Those present hoped raising awareness could help shift mindsets over the long run.