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Life StyleWhy Ramen Noodles May Be Damaging Your Kidneys

Why Ramen Noodles May Be Damaging Your Kidneys


It's a staple for busy professionals and starving students alike, but your beloved ramen noodles may be putting your at serious risk. While ramen provides an instant, cheap meal, doctors are warning about the hidden dangers lurking behind those flavor packets.

Celebrity plastic surgeon Dr. Anthony Youn recently sounded the alarm about ramen's link to kidney stones. According to Dr. Srikanth V, a top urologist in Bangalore, he has valid concerns. High sodium intake from foods like ramen can cause the body to excrete excess calcium through urine, increasing risks for painful stone formation. Ramen's heavy use of preservatives and flavor enhancers like MSG only exacerbates these effects.

The primary culprit is sodium. A single serving of ramen can contain over 1500mg of sodium, over 60% of the recommended daily limit. Long-term high sodium diets are further tied to hypertension, placing added strain on the kidneys. Some packets also contain oxalates from the seasoning. When calcium binds with oxalates, it forms the mineral structures of stones.

The good news is alternatives exist. Opt for reduced-sodium options when possible. Whole grain varieties provide a healthier profile. minor adjustments like adequate hydration and a balanced diet can counter ramen's negatives without giving up the occasional indulgence. But for kidney health especially, it's best not to let ramen become a regular feature of your meals. With a little care, you can keep enjoying this comfort food without risking serious damage down the line.

Your health isn't worth the convenient price of a ramen packet. Now armed with knowledge of the hidden threats, you can make informed choices to look after your body in the long run.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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