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Life StyleHow Discarded Date Seeds Could Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels

How Discarded Date Seeds Could Help Manage Blood Sugar Levels


Could Discarded Date Seeds Help Manage Blood Sugar?

We've all heard about the numerous benefits of dates, but did you know that its often-discarded seeds may also offer promising perks? New suggests date palm seeds could help regulate blood sugar levels.

According to nutrition experts, date seeds are packed with dietary fiber and antioxidants. They boast a particularly impressive fiber content, which supports digestion and feelings of fullness. Studies show this fiber profile may aid weight control over time.

Components in date seeds seem to positively impact glucose metabolism as well. Clinical trials found consumption of seed powder reduced blood glucose spikes in diabetic patients without disrupting levels in healthy individuals. Experts note this makes date seeds potentially beneficial for managing or preventing diabetes.

As an added bonus, the seed's antioxidant profile may decrease heart disease risk by minimizing cellular damage. Further research continues to uncover their wide-ranging health rewards.

Of course, more human data is still needed. Dietitians advise starting with small amounts and monitoring any effects, especially if using the powder therapeutically. Speak to your doctor first if you have medical conditions or take medications.

Overall though, grinding roasted date seeds into a powder for additions like smoothies or baking seems a tasty and simple way to capitalize on their promising health perks. With a few tweaks to your sweet snack routine, you may find the often-discarded seeds make a delicious new addition to support blood sugar wellness.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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