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Life StyleUnusual Japanese snack gains popularity: Why armpit sweat infused rice balls are...

Unusual Japanese snack gains popularity: Why armpit sweat infused rice balls are trending


In recent times, a rather peculiar culinary creation has been gaining attention both in Japan and worldwide. The humble onigiri or Japanese rice ball has taken an unusual transformation with some women shaping the balls using their armpits.

Dubbed “armpit rice balls”, demonstrating the preparation process have spread rapidly on social media platforms. What was once a staple snack is now being infused with sweat from the preparer's underarms, veering the taste experience into uncharted territories.

While the notion of consuming sweat-laced food may seem unappealing to some, the trend has managed to intrigue many. Experts believe human scent compounds called pheromones present in underarm sweat could influence sensory perception and emotions. A 2013 study found specific pheromones improved mood when smelled.

Our sense of smell also impacts taste. So sweatborne substances affecting the olfactory system may indirectly impact what we taste. However, links between human pheromones and behaviors need more research.

Culturally, unconventional food creations are common in Japan. The nation balances tradition with culinary experimentation. Some see this as a novel experience worth trying while others desire boundary-pushing. From a marketing angle, the “bizarre” factor drives online sharing.

However, safety concerns linger. Sweat quality varies with individual hygiene and . Unexpected components introduce risks like food poisoning. Many also find the concept unappetizing, raising consent issues. While fascinating, stringent hygiene remains crucial with foods enabling bacterial growth.

So in summary, a mix of cultural, psychological and marketing factors fuel this trend's online popularity. But health risks require close consideration regarding real- partaking. Only further research can clarify human pheromones' role and whether emotions truly influence unusual gustatory perceptions.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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