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Jammu Kashmir“JK Munificent Angels’ Free Healthcare Camp: A Beacon of Hope for...

“JK Munificent Angels’ Free Healthcare Camp: A Beacon of Hope for Community Wellness”


N L Correspondent

Srinagar, May 17: Today in a commendable effort to provide essential camp was organized at ICDS Centre Kreshbal, Noorbagh. This initiative was spearheaded by JK Munificent Angels under the Targeted Intervention Project for high risk groups supported by JKSACS, specifically aimed at addressing the healthcare needs of the High-Risk Group (HRG) in community.

The camp saw a significant turnout, with numerous residents availing themselves of the free medical consultations, diagnostic services, and essential medicines provided. A team of dedicated doctors,healthcare professionals and TI staff  worked tirelessly throughout the day to ensure that every patient/ HRG received the necessary attention and care.

The event was highly appreciated by the local community, who expressed their gratitude for the accessible healthcare services. Organizers JK Munificent Angels highlighted the importance of such initiatives in improving public , particularly for vulnerable groups with limited access to medical facilities. The camp ended with a counseling session on HIV/AIDS.

JK Munificent Angels plans to continue their efforts in organizing similar healthcare camps in the future, with a commitment to making healthcare accessible to all segments of society.


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