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Whooping cough outbreak spreads across continents; know its top signs and prevention steps

The resurgence of whooping cough or pertussis in multiple countries has caused grave concern amongst . Once considered rare, this bacterial infection is showing a surge in cases across China, the US, UK and others parts of Asia and Europe.

As per the latest reports, China has seen over 32,000 cases and 13 deaths so far this year – an alarming increase compared to last year. Other nations are also reporting higher numbers of cases.

So what exactly is whooping cough and how can one identify it early? Here are some key points about this illness:

A respiratory infection: Caused by Bordetella pertussis bacteria, it usually affects the respiratory system. The infection spreads through airborne droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes nearby.

Signs and symptoms: The illness usually begins with common cold-like symptoms including runny nose, sneezing and mild cough. Over time the cough worsens and causes violent coughing fits. A high-pitched sound called a ‘whoop' is often heard between coughs as the person struggles to take a breath.

More severe in infants: While people of all ages can get pertussis, it is particularly dangerous for babies under 1 year of age. They are at higher risk of developing complications like pneumonia, seizures, encephalopathy and even death in severe cases.

Diagnosis and testing: A doctor may diagnose based on symptoms and exposure history. Tests like PCR and cultures help confirm the presence of bacteria in respiratory samples.

Treatment and prevention: Antibiotics are prescribed for treatment but are most effective only if given in early stages. Vaccines provide the best defense – DTaP for children and Tdap for adults/pregnant women. Good hygiene practices along with avoiding contact with infected individuals also help curb spread.

With whooping cough staging a comeback globally, it is crucial we remain vigilant about symptoms and get necessary medical help promptly. Vaccination and following expert guidelines can help beat this highly infectious illness.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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