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Life StyleUnderstanding the evolving bond between fathers and sons

Understanding the evolving bond between fathers and sons


Fathers and Sons: Understanding the Bond Beyond Words

An emotional video of a father embracing his son in a warm hug on social media has captivated many viewers. The clip showing the surprise homecoming reunion has amassed millions of views. Even more striking are the thousands of comments from men expressing how they long for a similar moment of affection with their own fathers. This reaction reflects on the nuanced relationship between fathers and sons in society.

The display of vulnerability between the father and son in the video contrasts with societal norms that define masculinity. For generations, patriarchal ideals have discouraged open displays of emotion between men. Boys are often taught that being “tough” means having a stoic demeanor and not relying on intimacy. As a result, many fathers find it difficult to be affectionate with their sons out of a misplaced notion that it could undermine their status.

However, views are gradually evolving. Younger fathers today are more involved and hands-on in parenting. With rising awareness, the gendered notions of responsibility in the family are progressively changing. Fathers no longer see themselves as solely breadwinners but also strive to be emotionally present coparents. Many wish to be close confidantes to their teenage or adult sons beyond just being an authoritative figure.

While progress has been made, deeply entrenched social conditioning remains a challenge. Experts emphasize the importance of physical affection like hugging for conveying love and care beyond words. A caring father-son bond has benefits for both mental well-being and relationship development. Those hesitant should reflect on what holds them back from expressing emotion naturally rather than conforming to outdated models of masculinity. Small acts of intimacy can go a long way in strengthening interpersonal bonds between fathers and sons.

As societies continue advancing, fathers of the future are likely to share even closer relationships with their offspring. The journey towards dismantling patriarchal barriers and forming equitable, empathetic connections begins by challenging preconceived notions within families.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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