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Tips to prevent hepatitis and gastroenteritis as heatwave fuels case surge

As blistering temperatures continue to sweep across parts of the country, experts are warning of a concurrent rise in cases of hepatitis and gastroenteritis. The scorching heat outside is providing favorable conditions for bacteria and viruses to multiply, posing risks to public that must be addressed through timely precautions.

Pediatricians are seeing growing numbers of children ages 2-7 admitted with jaundice, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, and loss of appetite resulting from hepatitis A and E infections spread through contaminated food and water. While the liver infections often clear up on their own, some cases can lead to liver failure without prompt medical care. Parents are urged to reduce consumption of outside meals and beverages for young ones, ensuring homemade items are freshly prepared and thoroughly cooked instead.

Gastrointestinal illness is another concern surfacing more regularly amid the intense summer heat. Spoiled eats, untreated ice, and improperly washed produce are enabling the spread of viral and bacterial factors that inflame the stomach and intestines. Symptoms like diarrhea, abdominal pain, and dehydration from gastroenteritis can become severe without fluid replenishment. Roadside cuisine and drinks must be strictly avoided to curb related sickness.

Proper hygiene practices hold importance as well for fending off these seasonal ailments. Frequent hand washing, especially before eating, as well as cleaning surfaces used for food prep can cut the risk of ingesting pathogens. Consuming cooked meals rather than raw foods lowers chances of contamination too.

With rising heat comes rising health threats that necessitate vigilance. Small actions taken today can mean avoiding much bigger problems down the line. Staying hydrated, seeking prompt care for signs of illness, and following food safety guidelines empowers the public to stay healthy throughout this summer season.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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