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EditorialTerrorists on killing spree!

Terrorists on killing spree!


There is no relenting over the targeted killings of common people belonging to the minority communities in the valley during the past few days despite claims by the security apparatus. Fear has spread further and deeper among the minorities and those Muslims who do not subscribe to the Terrorists agenda.

After the initial panic that gripped the minorities in Kashmir valley and the severe condemnations that followed in Kashmir, a sense of confidence was being evolving in the past few days with a hope that the things would be set right in coming days.

Another factor that was building up some confidence was because of the aggressive counter terror measures started by the security apparatus.

Taking a serious note of the fresh spate of targeted killings in the Kashmir valley by Pakistan-sponsored terrorists in the past few days, the Centre had rushed the IB's counter-terror head to Srinagar. Counter-terrorism teams of other central forces were already working in synergy in the Valley to assist the J&K Police.

Unfortunately, amidst tall claims of security agencies of counter operations in Kashmir valley and in Mendhar-Poonch, a heavy toll of life both civilian and Army's proves that the ground situation is not as depicted in media briefings.

In such a surcharged atmosphere, two more civilians – a vendor who hailed from Bihar and another, a Carpenter hailing from UP fell to the bullets of terrorists. The sequence of these bloody incidents points towards concerted efforts by Pakistan-backed Islamist terror groups and handlers to create a communal situation that could trigger another exodus of Hindus and Sikhs from Kashmir valley.

Also, serious attempts to target members of minorities aimed at sending a message to non-Muslims who have been staying here peacefully for decades. The security establishment and the civil administration have a huge task on their hand to instil a sense of security and calm.

There is a clear change in the strategy of terrorists thus to hunt down these terror groups and a review of the threat perception of the vulnerable, there is a paramount need to involve political leaders, community representatives and the civil society to ensure communal harmony and dispel the fear and anxieties.

While the counter-operations are to be pursued with more vigour and valour, a political dialogue may still be explored to deal with the challenging situation in the broader interest of peace and progress.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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