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New Therapies Helping Autistic Children Better Manage Intense Emotions

Children on the autism spectrum often face unique challenges in social settings and regulating their emotions. However, new highlights promising methods for assisting these young ones to better handle anger and other intense feelings. According to experts, therapeutic techniques focused on cognitive behavior changes, sensory integration and innovative tools are demonstrating success.

Dr. Gaurish Kenkre, a renowned specialist at Atharv Ability center in Mumbai, notes several evidence-backed interventions are benefiting children on managing emotions effectively. Cognitive behavioral therapy teaches coping strategies like relaxation and problem-solving to help identify and control feelings in a more adaptive way. The popular STAMP program also nurtures emotional regulation abilities in autistic youth through cognitive steps for navigating situations constructively.

Sensory integration therapy moreover targets sensitivities that may trigger outbursts by providing controlled sensory experiences to reduce distress. Aquatic therapy and robotic neurorehabilitation likewise endorse relaxation, physical activity and skill-building in a personalized way for each child's needs. When used individually or together, these cutting-edge approaches address the unique emotional challenges of autism.

Dr. Kenkre emphasizes making such approaches widely available to support individuals across the spectrum. As awareness grows of autism's social intricacies, promising new therapies offer hope to families seeking enhanced emotional wellness for their children. With continued access and research, innovative treatment holds potential to positively impact lives.

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