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Life StyleIIT study finds high cancer-causing contaminants in Mandi district groundwater

IIT study finds high cancer-causing contaminants in Mandi district groundwater


Contaminated Water Spark Fears in Mandi, Himachal Pradesh

A recent study has shed light on concerning contamination levels in the groundwater sources of Mandi district in Himachal Pradesh. Researchers from Indian Institutes of in Mandi and conducted sampling and analysis that revealed higher than normal amounts of radioactive and toxic elements in local water supplies.

Their findings, published in the Science of the Total journal, point to risks for area residents. Naturally occurring uranium was discovered along with industrial waste that boosted certain heavy metals beyond safe limits. These contaminants can endanger public health if untreated water is consumed long term.

Between 2013-2018, the region reportedly saw rising cancer and kidney disease rates. The tainted aquifers likely play a role. Thankfully, dedicated scientists are bringing this covert crisis to light. But more must be done to shield citizens from future harm. Stricter rules and water treatment plants could help cleanse supplies before people drink from taps at home.

While not all impurities will cause cancer, prolonged exposure to certain pollution raises risks. Contaminated water may also carry unwanted bacteria or parasites into the body to sicken consumers with illnesses like diarrhea or dysentery. Heavy metals and high nitrate levels pose additional dangers if intake isn't moderated.

The wellbeing of local communities deserves utmost attention. Temporary alternative sources might offer temporary relief until permanent solutions can purify water back to safely drinkable standards once more. Public awareness of risks can empower people to make informed choices for guarding their wellbeing in the interim as well. Together, focus on facts over fear can drive timely action to solve this pressing issue.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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