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How new fertility treatments are giving hope to ovarian cancer survivors seeking motherhood

Many women who have overcome ovarian cancer in the past were left wondering if they would still be able to have children. However, recent medical advancements are changing the game and giving hope to survivors hoping to experience motherhood.

Ovarian cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer among women. While treatments like surgery and chemotherapy have vastly improved survival rates over the decades, they often come at the cost of being able to bear children later in life. With her ovaries removed as part of cancer treatment, many assume their chance of natural conception is lost.

But actress and ovarian cancer survivor Manisha Koirala's story is proof that this may no longer be the case. In 2012, Koirala underwent surgery and chemo and went into remission. However, the looming question of having biological children remained. Not ready to give up hope, Koirala sought fertility preservation options like embryo freezing prior to starting cancer treatment.

Advances now allow doctors to harvest and freeze a woman's eggs or ovarian tissue prior to chemotherapy and radiotherapy that could damage fertility. This tissue can be re-implanted later if they wish to conceive. Koirala's perseverance paid off as she gave birth to a daughter through IVF using frozen eggs in 2021.

Stories like Koirala's provide inspiration that young cancer survivors still have options to pursue their dream of parenthood even after aggressive treatment. With evolving technologies, oncologists can better counsel patients and help families start post-treatment. Giving cancer survivors renewed optimism for the future.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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