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How hidden sugars in condiments add up to over 20kg annually for the average Indian


Most of us love adding that extra dash of ketchup or slathering our dishes with sauce to enhance the flavors. But did you know that these condiments could be adding over 20 kgs of added sugars to our diets annually without us even realizing it? According to leading expert Dr. Hansaji Yogendra, the average Indian risks exceeding their daily sugar limits through condiments alone. Let's dive deeper into just how much extra sugar could be hiding in our favorite bottles.

From tomato ketchup to BBQ sauces, sugar content can vary significantly between brands. On average, a single tablespoon contains around 2-3 teaspoons of added sugars. That may not sound like much but it adds up quickly. Consider that many use multiple tablespoons per meal. Over time, these small amounts pack on the pounds and health risks. Portion control is key to avoiding a sugar overload.

Excess sugar is no friend to our bodies. It has been linked to weight gain, diabetes, heart issues and even tooth decay. And that's not all – blood sugar crashes leave us feeling drained and unmotivated. So moderation is important when enjoying flavor boosters. Some natural swaps to sweeten dishes without extra sugars include herbs, spices, citrus and vinegars.

With a little label reading, we can make better choices and still satisfy our taste buds. Small changes like using condiments sparingly or selecting lower sugar options go a long way. Our health is too important to leave to chance. Be empowered – let's kick the sugar habit, one condiment at a time!

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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