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How Aamir Khan supports son Junaid’s acting dreams by giving him creative freedom


Aamir Khan gives son Junaid creative freedom to pursue his dreams

superstar Aamir Khan is known for his perfectionism and dedication towards his craft. However, when it comes to his children, the actor believes in adopting a more relaxed approach by giving them the independence to explore their interests. In a recent interview, Aamir's son Junaid opened up about the trusting relationship he shares with his father.

Junaid, who is making his debut as an actor in the upcoming Netflix film ‘Maharaj', discussed how Aamir viewed his career choice. “My father is very supportive of my decision to enter the film industry. He normally lets me pursue my passions without interference unless I specifically ask for his guidance,” stated Junaid.

The newcomer further mentioned that Aamir watched an early cut of ‘Maharaj' a few months ago and enjoyed the film. “Not getting involved in our personal lives allows us to grow into independent individuals. But he is always there if we need advice”, Junaid added while opening up about Aamir'shands-off parenting style even as an empty nest parent.

Experts note that allowing adult children their autonomy plays a key role in building trust between parents and offspring. Respecting personal choices fosters mutual understanding and prevents resentments. While it may not be easy for parents to step back, giving space helps children accept responsibilities for their lives. It also strengthens the bond in the long run by facilitating open communication based on respect.

With Junaid embarking upon his acting career with full confidence of his father's support, it seems Aamir has struck the perfect balance between believing in his son's potential and respecting his decisions as an independent adult, paving the way for a healthy parent-child relationship built on trust.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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