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OpinionsG-20 peoples’ event; three-tier security cover put in place: ADGP

G-20 peoples’ event; three-tier security cover put in place: ADGP


Says Anti-drone equipment to be pressed in collaboration with NSG, Army; no restrictions to remain in force anywhere; rumour mongers to face strict action

Abid Bashir

Srinagar, May 18:  and Police Thursday said that the G-20 was purely the peoples' event and a three-tier security cover has been put in place to ensure incident free event in the Valley.

Talking to a selected group of reporters here, Additional Director General of Police (ADGP) Kashmir Vijay Kumar said that G-20 is peoples' event and not the administration's or police function. “We have made elaborate security arrangements. A three-tier security cover will remain to ensure incident free events. Guests will come on May 22 and leave on May 25,” he said.

The ADGP Kashmir said that police will put in place anti-drone equipment with the help of NSG and the army. “Police are fully capable to deal with any threat in water bodies but since Marine commandos were available, they have been deployed in Dal Lake and other bodies,” he said, adding that police, CRPF and SSB teams will also be deployed in strength to foil any possible threats by terrorists.

To a query whether there would be any restrictions, ADGP Kumar said that no curbs would be placed anywhere. “Some rumour mongers are spreading rumours about curbs. Strict action will be taken against such elements,” he said. The Kashmir police chief said that all the security teams have been properly briefed to ensure general people don't face any inconvenience during the G-20 event.

Marine commandos have already been deputed in the famous Dal Lake while as NSG commandos conducted a recee of city centre Lal Chowk, ahead of the event. This is for the first time that Kashmir will host a G-20 event under 's presidency. The event is being conducted at a time when Srinagar is going through a major face lift under Smart City project. A series of security review meetings were chaired in Srinagar to ensure fool-proof security cover for the G-20 event.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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