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Cancer Centers Warn Ongoing Drug Shortages Impact Treatment Nationwide

While certain chemotherapy medication shortfalls have improved, many major cancer facilities continue grappling with unavailable drugs. This impacts patient care as well as vital clinical nationwide.

A new survey from the leading Comprehensive Cancer Network reveals concerning trends. Nearly 90% of large cancer centers reported at least one drug used for cancer treatment, symptom relief or side effect management currently unavailable.

Last year's rate was similar, but specific drug shortages have changed. Over half of centers now face shortages of vinblastine, a lymphoma and testicular cancer treatment. Nearly half struggle to access etoposide and topotecan, both widely used chemotherapy agents.

Previously, platinum-based drugs cisplatin and carboplatin dominated shortage headlines. The new data implies these shortfalls have largely resolved thanks to collaborative efforts across healthcare spheres. However, other critical medications have since become scarce.

Mitigation strategies currently prevent disruption for 56% of patients receiving alternate therapies. But 43% of surveyed centers say shortages impact clinical trials through added workload and reduced enrollment or open studies.

While large cancer hub challenges mirror those in community oncology, this pervasive problem demands cohesive solutions. Stakeholders recommend financial incentives for high-quality generic production and early shortage information sharing.

The generic drug market's model risks fragile supply chains when small margins squeeze efficiency. To ensure stable access to lifesaving older cancer treatments, this unsustainable system warrants redesign focusing on long-term viability over short-term profits. Only through joint prioritization of patient wellness over monetary factors can we end this public crisis.

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