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BJY enters Kashmir; Called off for a day, Congress cries security lapse, police denies


Jehangeer Ganai

Khannabal (Anantnag), Jan 27: Congress leader and Member Parliament Rahul Gandhi Friday accused the and administration of a big security lapse at Jawahar Tunnel stating that police were missing to control the crowd that had come to his reception.

“When we crossed from Navyug Tunnel at Qazigund, there was a huge crowd for my reception. But there was not a single police man to manage or control the crowd. My security guards advised me not to go ahead,” Rahul said addressing a press conference at Khanabal, Anantnag. “It is very difficult for me to go against what my security guards advise me.”

Rahul Gandhi, who began his yatra from Banihal in Jammu region, crossed the Jawahar Tunnel into the valley in Qazigund in a bulletproof vehicle. While the yatra got a warm reception on this side of the tunnel, the security forces found it difficult to control and manage the crowd of hundreds of party supporters.

The Jammu and Kashmir Police rejected the Congress charge and said there was no security lapse at the Bharat Jodo Yatra and that the organisers had not informed the police about a large crowd joining the march from Banihal.

After crossing the Jawahar Tunnel, Gandhi, along with former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Omar Abdullah who joined him at Banihal earlier in the day, began to walk and was given a rousing reception by the locals gathered there. A group of locals also performed ‘Bandpather', a folk dance, as the yatra began its Kashmir leg.

Gandhi's white T-shirt look, even in north 's severe winter days, has been the subject of much debate and discussion. Gandhi wore a skull cap briefly this morning.

Both Gandhi and Abdullah, at one point in time, climbed atop a vehicle, staying there for a few minutes while waving to the excited huge crowd.

Braving the winter chill, both leaders sported white T-shirts with Gandhi wearing woolen head gear and Abdullah a skull cap.

Security team promptly asked Gandhi to stop given the absence of police personnel to manage the large crowd that had gathered to receive him.


The yatra was scheduled to walk a 9-km distance to Vessu in Anantnag district, where a halt was scheduled. Then the yatra was to resume its move to the Khanabal area here where it would have stayed for the night.

Gandhi could walk for barely 500 metres after crossing the tunnel, amidst jostling among the huge crowd to get a glimpse of the Gandhi family scion. People had assembled in large numbers despite the area been covered by heavy snow.

He was joined by former JKPCC president GA Mir and PDP leaders and workers led by PDP spokesperson Suhail Bhukhari as well.

Later, speaking to reporters, Ramesh said till the last moment, Gandhi wanted to walk but his security advisors told him not to walk ahead. So, he took a decision on their advice.

Ramesh said there have been a couple of small security lapses during this yatra so far, “but not a huge one like this”.

“The administration should have assessed the magnitude of the crowd beforehand only. But, they took it lightly. The number of security forces was not what it should have been. So, Rahul ji had to come in a car. This is a lapse on the part of the administration,” he said, adding it was a very serious issue.

Asked if there was any political motive behind it, Ramesh only said “it was a huge lapse”.

There was no breach in the SOPs in all these 132 days, he said.

“We did not see any security lapse in a sensitive state like . But, it is unfortunate that right on the very first day in Kashmir, we have faced this. We appeal that the administration will take steps to improve the situation. We will follow all the SOPs,” he added.

The Congress general secretary said Venugopal and Rahul's security teams were in discussions with the administration over the security during the coming days.

“It is not prudent for me to give a ball by ball commentary. We hope it does not get repeated,” he said when asked about the security officials saying there was no lapse.

Several party leaders echoed his concern, accusing the government of withdrawing security personnel around Gandhi and demanding action against those responsible for the alleged breach.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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