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Life StyleMeet the 93-year-old marathon runner who has completed 52 marathons and continues...

Meet the 93-year-old marathon runner who has completed 52 marathons and continues exercising regularly


At the age of 93, John Starbrook from the UK is the epitome of an active lifestyle. Known as “The Legend”, Starbrook has an impressive running career spanning over decades. He has completed an admirable feat of running 52 marathons till date. Even in his 90s, fitness remains a top priority for him as he hits the gym 6 times a week, rigorously training his whole body.

Running is not the only sport Starbrook excels in. For almost 8 decades, he has been an ace swimmer, developing his skills while serving in the British Army Medical Corps. To mark his 80th birthday, he went the extra mile by conquering a challenging one-mile swim across the Gulf of Corryvreckan, separating the Scottish islands of Jura and Scarba – a remarkable achievement. Even today at 93, he keeps himself active with swimming 3 times a week and playing water polo.

When asked about his secrets to longevity, Starbrook credits maintaining an active lifestyle and a wholesome diet. “I've never smoked or drank heavily. My diet consists of porridge in the morning along with lots of veggies and minimal fried food”, he shares. Dietician Kanika Narang of Indraprastha Apollo Hospitals believes Starbrook's habits have undoubtedly supported his long and healthy life.

Regular exercise enhances cardiovascular , muscle strength, flexibility and reduces risks of chronic diseases like diabetes and certain cancers. Similarly, vegetarian diets high in fiber, vitamins and minerals decreases risks of heart diseases and cancers. Cutting back on fried food as Starbrook does, greatly benefits health by avoiding unhealthy fats linked to cardiovascular issues and obesity. Truly, holistic habits of regular exercise, balanced diet and avoiding smoking have kept Starbrook active even in his 10th decade. He is an inspiration for anyone seeking to age gracefully through an active lifestyle.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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