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World Productivity Day 2024: Work Smarter, Not Harder – 5 Ways to Boost Your Productivity

Productivity Day 2024: From taking frequent breaks to setting goals, here are a few ways to boost productivity.

World Productivity Day 2024: Increasing productivity is all about getting more done in less time, and ensuring that we work smarter and not just harder. Optimising our resources at hand for maximum impact, ensuring that we find new goals and ambitions and applying our skills and creativity for building impactful habits for success and fulfilment – this ensures a holistic approach to boosting productivity. Every year, World Productivity Day is observed on June 20 to inspire people to work smarter and set new goals. As we gear up to celebrate the special day, here are a few ways by which we can increase our productivity and get a lot more done in less time.

Take breaks:

Deep work can be impactful, but it can also stress the brain, and lead to procrastination. Instead, we should take frequent breaks and get back to the work at hand with a fresh perspective and enthusiasm.

Avoid multitasking:

Multitasking is believed to be a great way of getting a lot done in less time. However, when we multitask, we often do not get to pay complete attention to one task. To ensure that the quality of the work is not affected, it is best to avoid multitasking.


We should not hesitate to delegate tasks to our colleagues when it is needed. We should trust them to finish the work in the designated time.


Proper communication is one of the foundation blocks of a healthy workspace that has enhanced productivity. Creating a space where the team can discuss things, ask questions and communicate is very important.

Set goals:

We should set goals for ourselves as well as for the team. This will help us to know what we are aspiring for. When we have a clear ambition in mind, we can focus on the work at hand and strive to reach the goal.

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