The Punjab police have arrested a woman and a man from Moga in connection with the recovery of over 6 kilograms of heroin. As per Director General of Police Gaurav Yadav, the duo were intercepted by officials in Ferozepur after intelligence revealed they had taken possession of a large drug consignment allegedly dropped off via drone across the border.
Simran Kaur, 38, and Gurjot Singh, 28 have reportedly been involved in criminal affairs previously according to police records. Around 15 cases are registered against Simran under the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act as well as the Prisons Act.
Acting on a tip off that the accused were transporting the narcotics to deliver to another individual, police laid a checkpoint along Old Mudki Road where their vehicle was stopped. A search uncovered 6.65 kg of heroin and Rs. 6 lakhs in cash concealed within the car.
Preliminary probes aim to map the supply chain links as well as identify those slated to receive the contraband. SSP Saumya Mishra stated investigations are ongoing to recognize the overseas supplier and intended recipients.
This is a significant drug seizure for the district and demonstrations joint efforts between intelligence agencies and law enforcement can help curb the illicit drug trade. With the arrests, authorities hope to dismantle wider networks facilitating cross border smuggling into Punjab.