In a move aimed at facilitating Punjabi Non-Resident Indians, Punjab Chief Minister Bhagwant Mann has announced the opening of an assistance facility at Delhi's Indira Gandhi International Airport. According to reports, the help desk will provide support and address queries of travellers from Punjab residing abroad.
It is learnt that the CM will formally inaugurate the centre this Thursday. While details regarding services offered are still emerging, the help desk is likely to aid NRI passengers with tasks like customs clearance, currency exchange, documentation assistance and connectivity to their native places in Punjab. The initiative underscores the state government's commitment to empower and support its large diaspora globally.
Setting up such a passenger assistance facility at a major entry point is a welcome step. Hundreds of Punjabi NRIs transit through IGI airport daily, and a dedicated help desk will go a long way in facilitating their travel. It will offer a one-stop solution to address issues faced and provide required guidance to visitors from overseas. Overall, the launch of this support centre is poised to enhance the airport experience of Non-Resident Punjabis and strengthen ties with the global Punjabi community.