In a heartwarming announcement, veteran Telugu actor Nagarjuna took to social media today to reveal that his son, renowned actor Naga Chaitanya, is now engaged to his longtime girlfriend and Bollywood actress Sobhita Dhulipala. According to Nagarjuna's tweet, the intimate ceremony was held this morning in Hyderabad with only close family in attendance.
Nagarjuna expressed his delight in welcoming Sobhita to their family and wished the new couple a lifetime of love and happiness. The tweet included an official photo from the engagement, providing the first look at Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita as an engaged pair.
While rumors of their relationship have circulated for years, both Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita have kept tight-lipped about their personal lives until now. They were first spotted together in public in 2022 during Sobhita's promotional visit to Hyderabad for her film Major. Since then, the couple has been spotted on various occasions spending quality time with each other abroad and in India.
Naga Chaitanya's decision to move on from his previous marriage in 2021 reportedly brought him closer to Sobhita, with whom he connected on an emotional level. Their friendship soon blossomed into romance, and the two have been steadily dating for over a year now.
With this official engagement announcement, Naga Chaitanya and Sobhita have put an end to speculation and questions from eager fans. The couple is certain to generate buzz as one of the most talked about pairings in Telugu and Bollywood cinema today.
Warm congratulations to the new fiancés! Fans wish them all the very best as they embark on their new journey together.