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    Ensuring Children See Clearly – Top Eye Problems and Parent-Friendly Solutions

    Many children are struggling with preventable vision problems that can negatively impact their learning and development. An expert ophthalmologist shares insight into the most prevalent eye conditions affecting young ones and practical tips for care.

    Vision is essential for children to explore their , yet problems often go unnoticed until it's too late. Several factors like increased screen time, lack of outdoor activity, and ignoring early signs can contribute to trouble. The good news is many issues are treatable if caught early.

    One challenge is short-sightedness or myopia, where distant objects appear blurry. It is increasing at an alarming rate in children spending more years studying. Left unaddressed, it could lead to serious complications later in life. Regular break time for children to view distant objects like trees and parks may help reduce progression.

    Another frequent concern is ‘lazy eye' or amblyopia, where one eye remains unused during development. This is typically noticed between infant to preschool ages. Patching the stronger eye to encourage use of the weaker eye can reverse its effects if done consistently in early childhood. Ignoring it could cause permanent vision loss.

    Convergence insufficiency refers to inability of the eyes to smoothly work as a team when looking at close objects like books. It causes symptoms like headaches, eye strain and avoiding near work. Basic eye exercises supervised by a professional can help coordinate the eyes.

    By raising awareness of common vision conditions and partnering with eye experts, parents can do their part to give every child the best chance at clear, healthy sight throughout their lifetime. Small changes today can yield big results for a child's future.

    The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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