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What is hackathon and why is it used by organization? Should you use it?


In your organization or business, you carry out different types of programs events and functions right? All these efforts are made to ensure that you make a growth in the industry. However, have you ever thought about something energetic, dynamic and trendy? What do you think about Hackathons? Have you ever heard about this term or practiced it? Once you conduct such a program in your organization, you can reap the finest outcomes. There are some amazing benefits of conducting this concept and you can have a look below:

  • Driving different types of business innovation
  • Finding out solutions for social causes
  • Sourcing development programs
  • Rewarding creative and innovative thinking
  • Exploring fresh technologies
  • Analysing data to create predictions
  • Forming potential start-ups
  • Branding of an organization or products

Hackathon focuses on the results and the objective will be IP development, strong coding, firm branding, or even innovation.For your information the internal hackathon concept confer the following advantages:

  • Crowdsource ideas from the existing talent of a company
  • Assist in assessing the company's present employee pool on the basis of the team collaboration ability, presentation skills and so on.
  • Trigger engagement by concentrating on self-directed and fresh learning
  • Give employment to people having the right skills and attitudes
  • Support transparency in the management by enabling talent mobility and making u sure a of recognition
  • Reinforce the values of a company
  • Form a diverse and supple work by motivating empowered groups and teams

This kind of platforms can be used as a powerful and effective innovation management software and work as platforms to interact and get ideas about the developing interesting products and procedures. Such platforms take the individuals and businesses towards growth.

What do you mean by Hackathon?

A hackathon is a competitive program or event therein teams of developers, designers, coders and subject matter professionals collaborate to create solutions for a particular problem inside a defined time frame. The purpose is to form a working prototype in form of a website, an application, or even a robot to solve an expected problem. It is also known as hack fest or hack day, the program gives participants the opportunity to collaborate, network and even productize their ideas.   However, the most popular form of a hackathon is an offline or that of physical one. It usually lasts for twenty four hours and it is mostly scheduled on the weekends. Participants are driven to come up with innovative solutions to solve problem statements for specific themes mentioned in the hackathon.

For the participants and attendees, a hackathon is a perfect and apt platform to explore fresh , work on a project they are enthusiastic about, and form a working proof-of-concept in a short frame of time. It is also a chance for them to cooperate and network with like-minded individuals who are devoted and passionate about constructing products. Hackathons are no longer restricted to just the developer community. Anyone or anybody who can do a contribution to forming a product can take part in the hackathon. It is like a rich platform or pool for learners and developers and professionals as a whole.

Organizations generally conduct this concept to motivate innovative problem solving, drive innovation, and form the brand awareness. Various companies perform internal hackathons inside their organization to include their employees and inspire a collaborative work environment. Apart from this, external hackathons are accommodating for firms in finding and recruiting talented and innovative professionals at a lesser cost than conservative recruiting methods. Instead of going through dull rounds of interviews, firms can assess potential candidates by their general performance in a hackathon. Relying on their objective, organizations might thus opt for either an external hackathon or that of internal hackathon. It is always as per the ease of the organization.

In this present day time, the success of a business relies on its capability to withstand innovation. To accomplish growing customer expectations and beat the increasing competition, companies should innovate fast and build fresh features to enhance their product or service. The biggest advantage that a hackathon offers is a structure to measure creativity and form fresh features. Concrete ideas resulting from hackathon can assist the organizations cater better customer experience and good revenue.

Conventionally the responsibility of coming up with innovative and creative services, products and business models werelinked only to a handful of individuals and people within the organization. Usually, a dedicated R&D or the Innovation Department is given the work of the task. In this present era, companies, both big and small perform hackathons to trigger innovation. It is the concept that is becoming really popular amidst both tiny and big organizations. Whether a start-up company or a big multi- company; everybody is taking this concept of innovation, exploring and learning into consideration.

Businesses are scaling innovation by reaching out to everyone inside or outside the organization as different from relying on only a handful of people. With these platforms, organizations can now easily search out solutions, from both internal and external spectators, with insignificant investment of effort time, and capital. With such an approach, the team mostly responsible for innovation works with the whole hackathon crowd to create the ideas, form the proof of concepts and then perform the shortlisted ideas for growth and development. By catering a structure to develop ideas, a hackathon chiefly make it easy for companies to device innovation.

If you peep into the history, innovation does not emerge just from giving people incentives but it also emerged from creating environments wherein their ideas can link up. Certainly, when there is a program or an event where folks from different places, organizations and backgrounds mix up for discussions and learning; outcomes are intended to be innovative only. In a way, this concept compliments conventional innovation methods. By making use of this concept companies get knowledge and ideas to take their work to the best levels. With the extra advantage of crowd-driven ideation, firms can now move in q quick manner, diminish the time-to-market, and stay ahead of enhancing competition.

So, when are you introducing the hackathon concept in your organization? Be a part today and relish the perks it has to cater.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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