Prominent politician and former Congress leader Kiran Chaudhary has submitted her nomination papers as the BJP candidate for the upcoming Rajya Sabha bypoll from Haryana. Chaudhary filed her nomination at the state legislative assembly yesterday, accompanied by Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini and other cabinet ministers.
After completing the nomination formalities, Chaudhary expressed gratitude to the BJP leadership for giving her this opportunity. She said that all her workers and supporters who joined the BJP will work hard to strengthen the party ahead of the next state elections. Chaudhary's daughter, former MP Shruti Chaudhary was also present during the event.
Addressing the media, CM Saini stated that the BJP decided on Chaudhary's candidature after due deliberation. Given her extensive political experience, the party expects to benefit greatly from her participation at the national level. With no other candidate entering the fray, Chaudhary looks set to be elected unopposed on the last date of withdrawal of nominations.
A stalwart figure in Haryana politics, Chaudhary joins the BJP after a lengthy career with the Congress party. It will be interesting to see how her vast experience and connections help the saffron party in the upcoming state assembly polls. Having completed all nomination formalities smoothly, Chaudhary now awaits formal election to represent Haryana in the upper house of parliament.