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Unclear weather forecasts ahead of high-voltage India vs England T20 World Cup semi-final in Guyana


Weather forecasts remain unclear ahead of crucial -England T20 Cup semifinal

The high-voltage semifinal clash between arch-rivals India and England scheduled for Thursday is facing an uncertain weather situation according to the latest forecasts from Guyana. While the Providence Stadium in Guyana is all set to host the blockbuster contest, passing showers in the morning have left the prospects of any rain interruptions unclear.

As per weather tracking app AccuWeather, intermittent cloud cover and a “couple of showers mainly early in the day” are predicted for Thursday when the semifinal is slated to start. This leaves both teams as well as fans awaiting the all-important toss hoping the weather remains clear enough to allow uninterrupted play.

Unlike other knockout fixtures which have reserve days, 's governing body ICC has decided that the India-England semifinal will be given extra time instead of being pushed to another day in case of rain delays. An additional 250 minutes of play have been allotted, meaning play can be extended deeper into the afternoon if needed to complete the match.

However, the possibility of rain lingering on into the afternoon still remains concerning. India captain Rohit Sharma acknowledged the unusual early start time poses some challenges but said his team is ready to deal with any eventuality. Both sides will be keeping a close watch on the skies and hoping Providence Stadium sees no significant rain to allow this much-anticipated clash to reach its conclusion.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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