A promising future for the people of Haryana was envisioned by Sunita Kejriwal, wife of Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal, during her first public meeting held under the AAP's Badlav Rally banner in Faridabad on Sunday. Addressing a large gathering, she emphasized that real change is needed to uplift living standards on a long-term basis, beyond temporary giveaways offered by some parties.
Highlighting AAP's commitment to the people of Haryana, Sunita explained the party's five major guarantees which include free electricity and water supply to all households, expanded healthcare through mohalla clinics and better government hospitals, employment opportunities for youth and a monthly income of Rs. 1000 for all women above 18 years. Referring to Arvind Kejriwal as ‘Aap ke bete', she affirmed that similar path-breaking work has already been done in Delhi and Punjab under his leadership.
Dismissing allegations of corruption against her husband, Sunita asserted that if a reformer like Arvind Kejriwal is corrupt, then no one can be called honest. She alleged that he has faced political vendetta through arrests and imprisonment only due to rising popularity of the AAP's welfare agenda. Local AAP leaders including Abhash Chandela, Pravesh Mehta and Rajender Sharma also addressed the gathering in support of Sunita's vision of empowering Haryana through decisive change.
Going forward, the upcoming state elections will be a test for whether the people of Haryana choose short-term lollipops or the transformative governance that AAP promises.