Renowned singer Neha Bhasin, known for memorable tracks in hit films like Gunday and Sultan, has opened up about long-standing health issues in an emotional social media post. In a thought-provoking message, the artist revealed receiving formal diagnoses of Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) and Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder alongside previously known Fibromyalgia.
In her post, Bhasin candidly expressed years of inner turmoil and difficulties understanding what was causing distressing symptoms. “After years of feeling something was not quite right, recent medical assessments have provided clarity on conditions impacting my mental and physical well-being,” she shared. The singer detailed a range of challenges including fatigue, pain flare-ups, anxiety, and depression linked to her menstrual cycle. Past traumas as well as unhealthy coping patterns were also acknowledged as part of her journey toward wellness.
While yoga, journaling and alternative modalities have served as outlets, Bhasin faces setbacks from her conditions. “My PMDD can still trigger low moods or amplify existing issues. Does this make me weak, wonders my obsessive side,” she reflected. The musician credits rest as vital healing yet continues striving through discomfort having performed in pain previously. Her heartfelt message emphasized seeking therapy and self-acceptance rather than blame.
The post resonated strongly on social media with encouragement from peers and fans alike. Bhasin aims to provide comfort through transparency, expressing “neither weakness nor victory, but connection in shared experience.” Her story highlights ongoing societal work embracing discussion of complex mental-physical health links.