Prominent javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, who bagged the silver medal for India at the recent Paris Olympics, has shared some interesting insights about gift traditions in his hometown Haryana. In a media interaction after his event, Chopra spoke about how athletes in the state are often gifted items like desi ghee or buffaloes based on their performances.
The 24-year-old recounted receiving 10 kgs of ghee himself sometime in the past, mentioning that such gifts are a common practice across rural Haryana. He pointed out that wrestlers and players of other indigenous sports like kabaddi too tend to be rewarded with things like buffaloes, motorcycles or even tractors if they achieve success in competitions.
Chopra believes these gifts are a cultural way of acknowledging accomplishments and also helping sportspersons maintain strength through items like ghee. Meanwhile, he said buffaloes symbolize prosperity. The young athlete also shed some light on conversations he overhears back home, where people promise gifts like 50 kgs of ghee for winning an event.
Talking about Pakistan javelin thrower Arshad Nadeem receiving a buffalo for his Paris gold, Chopra stated it underlines how the tradition is not unique to Haryana alone. He remains in Europe to compete more and also ponder groin surgery, though his mother worries about him training strenuously. Chopra aims to keep working hard to retain his edge over other athletes.