National Award winning actress Keerthy Suresh is currently promoting her upcoming Tamil film ‘Raghu Tattha'. During a recent interview, she opened up about her highly anticipated Bollywood debut in the Hindi remake of the blockbuster hit ‘Baby John'. Retelling the story of the 2016 vigilante action thriller ‘Theri' starring Vijay and Samantha Ruth Prabhu, ‘Baby John' sees Varun Dhawan step into the leading role, with Kalees taking over directing duties from Atlee.
When asked about portraying the character originally played by Samantha, Keerthy had nothing but praise. “Samantha effortlessly brought that character to life in such a beautiful way,” she remarked. “Recreating an iconic role is always risky, but I didn't hesitate as her performance in the original was simply spectacular.” According to Keerthy, while the core plot and themes remain the same, certain tweaks were necessary to suit the current period and Hindi audience. “The passage of time also meant adjusting some elements to stay relevant. But the message and emotion remains unchanged,” she explained.
Expressing confidence in the remake, Keerthy stated, “I'm thrilled for audiences to experience Baby John this Christmas. With Varun, Jackie and the rest of the talented cast involved, I'm sure it will do justice to Theri's legacy.” Produced by Priya Atlee, Murad Khetani and Jyoti Deshpande, Baby John promises high octane action alongside thought-provoking drama. Pairing popular stars with an impactful story, it appears poised to replicate Theri's success on a pan-India scale.
Keerthy concludes, “Samantha effortlessly played a really beautiful role in the original. I'm grateful for the opportunity but also aware of the big shoes to fill. Fingers crossed audiences feel we've done it justice!”