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JammuJKBOSE Class 12th Results likely to be declared in first week of...

JKBOSE Class 12th Results likely to be declared in first week of June


northlines correspondent

Tawi, May 24: The Jammu and Board of School (JKBOSE) is expected to announce the Class 12th annual regular examination results in the first week of June.

A top official told Kashmir News Service (KNS) that the Annual regular Jkbose examination results of class 12th will be declared by the end of the first week of June.

The official added that the results are almost ready and final formalities are being completed. However “We look for declaring the results in the last few days of the first week of June,” the official said.

It's pertinent to mention that The Class 12th annual regular exams were conducted in March 2024. Students are eagerly awaiting their results, which will determine their future academic and career paths.(KNS)

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