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IndiaJEE Advanced Result 2024 Released, Ved Lahoti From IIT Delhi Zone Tops...

JEE Advanced Result 2024 Released, Ved Lahoti From IIT Delhi Zone Tops With 355 Marks


New Delhi, Jun 9: The Joint Entrance Exam (JEE)-Advanced results were announced Sunday morning, with Ved Lahoti from IIT Delhi zone bagging the top rank by securing 355 out of 360 marks.

A total of 48,248 candidates have qualified the exam for admission to IITs out of which 7,964 are female.
According to IIT Madras, which conducted the exam this time, Dwija Dharmeshkumar Patel of IIT Bombay zone is the top-ranked female candidate with 322 out of 360 marks. Her all rank is 7.
Other candidates in top 10 are: Aditya (IIT Delhi zone), Bhogalpalli Sandesh (IIT Madras zone), Rhythm Kedia (IIT Roorkee zone), Putti Kushal Kumar (IIT Maadras), Rajdeep Mishra (IIT Bombay zone), Koduri Tejeswar (IIT Madras zone), Dhruvi Hemant Doshi (IIT Bombay zone) and Alladabona SSDB Sidhvik Suhas (IIT Madras zone).
JEE-Main, which is the admission test for engineering colleges across the country, is the qualifying exam for JEE-Advanced. (Agencies)

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