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Life StyleIs Vaseline the Ultimate Skincare Secret Weapon or a Big Beauty Blunder?...

Is Vaseline the Ultimate Skincare Secret Weapon or a Big Beauty Blunder? Dermatologist Reveals the Truth


Whip out the Vaseline for perfectly plump skin, or should you say goodbye to that beauty basic? Many turn to this tried-and-true substance to nourish dry patches, but is it really the magic solution it’s cracked up to be? Dr. Rinky Kapoor consulted top dermatologist settles the score on whether Vaseline is facial friend or foe.

According to Dr. Kapoor, while Vaseline delivers deep hydration to skin in need of TLC, it’s not the one-size-fits-all savior many think. “Petroleum jelly effectively seals in moisture to revive distressed areas. It forms an impermeable layer that stops water evaporation, keeping skin soft and supple.” she explains. However, clogging pores is a risk if overapplied all over the face. Dr. Kapoor advises reserving it for targeted trouble spots only.

Those with acne-prone or oily skin types especially need to be choosy about where they slather on the goop. Building up in follicles under a heavy coat could worsen breakouts. “For most clients, I recommend alternative formulas designed for facial skin that balance hydration with breathability,” says Dr. Kapoor. Vaseline has its place, but a light touch delivers the benefits without courting clog-related concerns that bring more beauty blues.

So in summary – Vaseline gets a thumbs up from dermatologists for spot treatments, just don’t treat your whole face to it if pore-clogging is a potential issue. A little goes a long way to soothing sahara-dry skin when used sparingly in the right places.

The Northlines is an independent source on the Web for news, facts and figures relating to Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh and its neighbourhood.

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